My Stocks Portfolio & Widget

by Peeksoft: Stock Market & Investing



Track Stocks, your Stock Portfolios, and your Investment Performance

✓ Track stocks and equity, funds, ETFs, currencies in the stock market, and unlisted equity✓ Manage your stock portfolios and view performance over time, with metrics such as realized gains, unrealized gains, daily and total changes, and annualized gains✓ View allocation balance of each stock holding in your overall portfolio with pie charts✓ Multiple stocks portfolios support - track multiple stock markets, stock portfolios, or watchlists✓ Convert stock portfolios to one currency using real-time foreign exchange rates - mix stock quotes and holdings from different stock markets and display it using a currency of your choice✓ Stock market news feed and news for each stock quote. Customize which international markets to retrieve news for.✓ Real-time stock quotes for US exchanges and some international stock markets✓ Foreign exchange rates and currency converter✓ Track the Cryptocurrency market. Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and alt coins such as Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, and more.✓ Extended hours support for pre-market and after-market hours✓ Stocks widget that displays stock quotes and holdings✓ Full screen charts. Line, Area, Candlestick, Logarithmic and more. Pinch-zoom, trackball, and panning support.✓ Detailed info on each stock quote including daily/yearly price ranges, market cap, P/E, EPS, Volume, Average Volume, Beta, Dividend & Yield.✓ Password lock support - prevent others from seeing your stock quotes even if your phone is unlocked✓ Synchronize across multiple devices✓ CSV import and export to Google Drive and Email- Fix a crash when add quote alert from quote details page- Allow notes to show on quotes list when extended hours are disabled- Import/export custom prices as CSV- Fix: Clicking on overview widget status bar should go to overview screen- Fix YTD off by one day display error- Fix historical chart display bug with some exchanges- Fix quote search autocomplete not disappearing when no results- Tweak autocomplete to not show checkbox when only one result type

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Easy to install and create custom portfolios to monitor

Michael Malevsky

maybe add brokerage name as one of the fields on transactions page and add option to aggregate by brokerage as another visualization?

Ravi Kanth

Lots of great features for 100% free app. Many customizable formats. Love the sorting features. Easy on the eye template. So much at no charge and the paid subscription is well worth the very small investment!

Gary Belford

I've tried several stock and finance tracker apps, this is (for me) by far the best FREE I've tried.

Glen Vernon

User friendly

golumolu Magare

Love it!


Good apps

Hasmukh Patel

Good shares portfolio app. I would like to see a feature that gives you an alert when a stock reaches a certain price, it would be useful for monitoring stocks considering purchasing.


For basic use and quick data concerning stocks this app is simple to use.

J Neeley

It shows the data your really need to know.

Wen Liu